Ming-Qing Documents

I.6 QSL DG 366__24-25b

I.6 Qing Veritable Records, entry for DG 22.1.28

QSL, DG 366:24-25b (same day as Doc.I.5)
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遴派 - linpai - depute

妥員 - tuo yuan - trusted officials, appropriate officials

押解 - yajie - escort under arrest

家屬 - jiashu - dependents

在逃 - zai tao - fleeing (still not apprehended)

搜捕 - soubu - arrest; seek out and seize

詭稱 - guicheng - it is falsely claimed that … (note the official debunking of popular magical beliefs)

孼 - nie - evil, disaster (a variant of 孽)

再 - zai - furthermore

術能封槍 - shuneng fengqiang - [his] magical charms can stop up the muzzles of guns

僧人 - sengren - Buddhist monk

伏誅 - fuzhu - be beheaded

確據 - queju - positive proof

以免 - yi mian - to avoid, obviate

煽惑 - shanhuo - incite and deceive

幺䯢小醜 - yaomo xiaochou - insignificant riffraff

激變 - jibian - incite a revolt

蓄謀 - xumou - hatch plots

自盡 - zijin - commit suicide

縣 - xian - county, county magistrate

典史 - dianshi - jail warden

自縊 - ziyi - to hang oneself

外委 - waiwei - could refer to either Detached Company Commander (外委千總, rank 8a), or Detached Squad Leader (外委把總, rank 9a), both of which are regular posts in the Green Standards

遵前旨 - zun qianzhi - in obedience to previous decree[s]

得手 - deshou - gain success

督率 - dushuai - lead

一鼓作氣 - yigu zuoqi - rouse their fighting spirit at the first drumbeat

乘勝 - chengsheng - taking advantage of [previous] victories

移會 - yihui - communication

鄰封 - linfeng - neighboring jurisdictions (here, the officials thereof)

一體 - yi ti - as one body (i.e., jointly)

他竄 - tacuan - escape elsewhere

被脅良民 - beixie liangmin - good commoners who have been coerced [into joining the rebellion]

迓 - ya - to go to meet, to welcome

撫卹 - fuxu - console, comfort

株連 - zhulian - incriminate by forcing one suspect to name others, building a chain of incrimination

所奏 - suozou - (as for) what (XX) has memorialized....

飛速 - feisu - speedily

截回 - jiehui - intercept and send back

照議妥辦 - zhaoyi tuoban - manage appropriately as recommended (i.e., blanket approval in advance)

諭令知之 - yu ling zhi zhi - let him (i.e., the memorialist) know. (an instruction to the Grand Councilors to send this out as a court letter)


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