Ming-Qing Documents

I.5 QSL DG 366__22-24

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I.5 Qing Veritable Records, entry for DG 22.1.28

QSL, DG 366:2-24, DG 22.1 ding-chou


Note that many of the definitions here are brief. Click on the link to get fuller information.

諭內閣 - yu neige - His Majesty sent an edict to the Grand Secretariat

生捦 - shengqin - capture alive

欣慰之至 - xin wei zhi zhi - extreme satisfaction

連陷 - lianxian - successively conquered

通城 - Tongcheng - place name

勤王 - qinwang - loyal king

偽 - wei - illegitimate

豎立 - shuli - set up, raise

都督大元帥 - dudu da yuanshuai - commander-in-chief and grand marshal

千總 - qianzong - Company Commander, a low-level rank (6a) in the Green Standards (Hucker)

攻撲 - gongpu - attack

覆載不容 - fu zai bu rong - intolerable to heaven and earth

調撥 - diaobo - to deploy

經 - jing - have undergone

擊斃 - jibi - attack and slaughter

嗣 - si - afterward

弁 - bian - military officers

昨 - zuo - in the past, yesterday

降旨 - jiangzhi - (this "decree" was probably an earlier shang-yu appearing in QSL, DG 366:5b-7, a "so far so good" reward for Yu-tai)

交部議敘 - jiao bu yi xu - Refer his case to the Board [of Civil Office] to be recommended for a raise in administrative rank.

將次 - jiangci - step by step

夏廷樾 - Xia Tingyue - personal name

金雲門 - Jin Yunmen - personal name

懸賞招覓士民 - xuanshang zhaomi shimin - post rewards to attract the scholars and commoners

羈縻 - jimi - restrain, as with a halter

內應 - neiying- a response from within (to support an attack from without)

石盤山 - Shipanshan - place name

游擊 - youji - Brigade Commander (Hucker)

謝正國 - Xie Zhengguo - personal name

黑橋 - Heiqiao - place name

接仗 - jiezhang - engage (the enemy)

陣殲 - zhenjian - killed on the battlefield

距...地方 - ju...difang - be at a certain distance from a place

白蟻橋 - Baiyiqiao - place name. It was probably mistaken for 白霓橋, a strategic point to the east of the county seat of Chongyang, and an important commercial town.

誘令 - youling - entice (and thus cause...)

義勇 - yiyong - militia braves

洪上 - Hongshang - place name

安撫 - anfu - pacify, calm

接應 - jieying - meet and reinforce

謀勇兼施 - mouyong jianshi - employing both strategy and courage

迅 - xun - quickly

掃 - sao - sweep up

欃槍 - chancheng - a comet (an evil omen signifying rebellion; by extension, the leader of a rebellion)

甫 - fu - just, only just

四旬 - sixun - forty days

甚屬可嘉 - shenshu kejia - is extremely praiseworthy

花翎 - hualing - peacock feather (See a picture of the Qing official's hat)

太子太保 - taizi taibao - Grand Guardian of the Heir Apparent, normal rank 1b

銜 - xian - honorary title

雙眼花翎 - shuangyan hualing - double-eyed peacock feather

祗領 - zhiling - to be received with reverence

保奏 - baozou - submit memorials of recommendation

朕 - zhen - I (personal pronoun exclusive to the emperor, i.e., the royal "We")

施恩 - shi-en - confer (imperial) favor

焚香跪道 - fenxiang guidao - burn incense and kneel by the roadside

不妄殺戮 - buwang shalu - refrain from indiscriminate slaughter

敉謐 - mimi - pacified

甚慰 - shenwei - greatly comforted

留撤 - liuche - retain or withdraw

善後 - shanhou - dealing with the aftermath (of a disaster)

事宜 - shiyi - matters, affairs

妥籌 - tuochou - devise appropriately

檻送 - jiansong - send in a prisoner-cage

京師 - jingshi - the capital, Beijing

盡法 - jinfa - to the limit of the law

處治 - chuzhi - punish

通諭 - tongyu - an edict for promulgation throughout the realm

中外 - zhongwai - at the capital and in the provinces

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