Harvard Scalar Guide

Copy content from an existing site to a new site

If you want to copy the contents of an old site into a new site (for instance, if you want to re-use content from a previous class in a new class), you can follow these steps. Note that this only applies to creating a brand new Scalar site; these steps won't help you import content into an existing Scalar site with its own content already.
  1. On the existing site, go to the dashboard (wrench icon in the top right from any page).
  2. From there, go to the “Sharing” tab.
  3. Set the “Duplicability” option at the bottom to “Yes” to allow the book to be duplicated, then save the settings with the button in the bottom right.
  4. Still in the dashboard view, go to the “My Account” tab
  5. At the bottom of that page, create a new book by setting a new title and checking the box for “Duplicate of another book?”. That will prompt you to select a book to copy, so select the original Scalar “book”.
  6. Click the “Create” button to create the new duplicate book. In testing, we’ve found that this will often drop you into a page with a lot of error messages, but the content still gets duplicated when you go back to your dashboard from scalar.fas.harvard.edu
  7. Take a look at the new site to make sure everything looks okay. All media and relationships between content should be preserved by the duplication.
  8. When you’re satisfied that the book was successfully duplicated, go back to the sharing settings for the original book and turn off the option to allow duplication.
If you are copying content from a previous course, note that you will have to remove any existing student-generated content unless you have permission from each student to include their work in future iterations of your course.

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