Harvard Scalar Guide

Scalar at Harvard

This site is intended as a reference for people using Scalar at Harvard, both for their own projects and in support of Harvard research and teaching projects that use the platform.

For core Scalar functionality, the Scalar Guide created by USC should be the primary point of reference. This guide is linked from every Scalar site. It can be found by clicking on the compass icon on the left side of the grey bar at the top of each Scalar site, then "Scalar", and finally "User's Guide".

This guide is an overview of things that are different from that default configuration. Each of the following pages starts by outlining the default behavior that you'll see documented by the team at USC, and then explains how our instance differs from that behavior.

You'll also find a collection of tutorial videos on this site, created to help you get up and running with Scalar quickly and easily by providing quickstarts for some commonly used Scalar features.

Contents of this path: