Resources for Loss

“Miss Me, But Let Me Go” (poet unknown), contributed by Alayna Jenkins (2022)

The poem “Miss Me But Let Me Go” is one that I always find comfort in during times of sadness. The poem makes me think that the person will be ok after death. The line “why cry for a soul set free” is soothing, knowing that my loved one will no longer experience pain. In a way, it makes the person who has passed seem alive and at peace. The line about how “this is a journey that we must all take” reminds me that death is natural. The line “miss me a little, but not too long” gives me a sense of forgiveness that I do not need to let this consume me. Finally, the line “go to the friends we know” gives me an action plan for coping. In short, I think that this poem is beautifully written and peaceful.

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