This page was created by Anonymous. 

Black Radicalism

Hate Mail to Flo Kennedy

The contents of the hate mail Florynce Kennedy kept help to illuminate the struggles Black radical feminists faced. Kennedy was proudly pro-choice, causing her to receive much criticism. “Flo Kennedy do you think about the unborn child?” one letter reads. Her feminist opinions were considered wildly radical at the time, and the mail she received exemplifies the backlash radicals continue to experience.

Kennedy was a Communist, for which she also received much contempt. The “criticism” she heard was often baseless and even rooted in racism and misogyny. “Name one prosperous black country,” another letter reads. “You are a product of late evolution… brought ahead by the whites when they plucked your ancestors from the trees in Africa.” Though the anonymous author claims to have an issue with Kennedy’s economic views, they resort to racist attacks to discredit her. Two more letters have images of chimpanzees, which are supposed to represent Kennedy, glued to them, and further they demean her by referring to her as “Flo.” Yet another letter calls Kennedy a “damn Communist nigger” multiple times. The personal and racist jibes at Florynce Kennedy are examples of society's bitterness that radical Black women had to face, and the lack of any real, constructive criticism indicates the baseless nature of many people's claims, thereby revealing their refusal to listen to radicals simply due to their identities

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