Students in Service and Leadership at Harvard

Story of Self

Hi there! My name is Talia and I'm a sophomore at Harvard College studying Chemistry with a secondary in Global Health and Health Policy. When I'm not studying molecular orbital theory or spending hours carrying out chemical reactions in a lab, odds are I can be found at the PBHA building in Harvard Yard. I joke that I'm in this building more than my own dorm room (including sleeping time!), and honestly, that might not be so far off from the truth. Seriously, I am literally sitting at the front desk of PBHA right now as I write this :)

I've been involved in public service in some form or another for pretty much as long as I can remember. Entering Harvard as a first-year, it was a no-brainer to continue this commitment to volunteering and join a PBHA program. What I didn't necessarily realize at the time was how pivotal my involvement in PBHA would become in shaping my entire college experience.

I first joined PBHA as a volunteer for Best Buddies, which felt very natural given my passion for working with people with disabilities. That semester I also began volunteering at the Harvard Square Homeless Shelter, which was a meaningful way to step out of my typical Harvard routine for just a few hours each week and do some important work. In November of my first year, I was surprised to receive a nomination email to run for Student Development Chair on the Officers team. Without really knowing what the role meant, I decided to take the leap and run for the position. After being elected, I was welcomed into the Officers family with open arms and immediately given the responsibility to lead the direction of this huge, 100-year-old organization. Specifically, my position as Student Development Chair involves stewarding the part of PBHA's mission to "develop student and community leadership," primarily through training and reflection activities.​​​​ And honestly, I loved it! As I began spending more time at PBHA, my love for the organization, its values, and the people stewarding the work only grew - which in turn led me to continue seeking more and more ways to be involved and take on leadership roles.

I'm now in my second year on the Officers team and as Student Development Chair, and I truly could not imagine college without PBHA and Officers as a cornerstone of my experience. I also continue to engage in direct service by volunteering with Best Buddies, the Harvard Square Homeless Shelter, and the Cambridge Afterschool Program. Additionally, I am so excited to be directing the Cambridge Youth Enrichment Program this summer, the largest of PBHA's ten camps within the Summer Urban Program. I am a huge believer in the power of a strong summer camp experience and have dedicated the last several summers to working as a counselor for a group of campers with developmental disabilities, which has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. SUP is the perfect combination of two of my greatest passions: PBHA and camp, and I truly cannot wait for the summer!

At the core, I’m involved in PBHA because I’m really, deeply passionate about PBHA’s mission. All of PBHA's work is in pursuit of social justice, meeting critical needs of communities around us through direct service while also advocating for structural change. At a place like Harvard, it’s so easy to get caught up in the day-to-day chaos of classes and work, but PBHA welcomes students to look beyond the gates of Harvard’s campus and understand our position within the wider lens of Boston and Cambridge, and do our share in working towards positive social change here. Even more than that, the way in which PBHA carries out its work is rooted in empathy and compassion. You see this in the programs and the work that is done, and you see it on a leadership level as people interact with one another in meetings. It’s a community that makes you genuinely feel welcomed and appreciated, which can be hard to find at Harvard.

PBHA is truly unlike any organization I've ever been a part of before. I am constantly inspired by the incredible individuals that I've met through my work at PBHA, from the student officers I work alongside to the young people I tutor at the Cambridge Afterschool Program and everyone else who steps foot in the PBHA building. The time I've spent with PBHA has changed my life in so many ways, and I'm happy that my PBHA journey is nowhere near over. I'm so excited to see where my next two years in college take me with PBHA, and I'm positive that I will continue to stay connected to PBHA for many, many years in the future.

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