Students in Service and Leadership at Harvard

Daniella Berrospi - Story of Self

My name is Daniella Berrospi and I am a Junior in Quincy House studying Sociology and Ethnicity, Migration, Rights.

Less academically, I am Peruvian-American, and I was born and raised in Miami, Florida, a city that embraces a wide array of cultures, such as my own and many others, and celebrates the diversity of our community in ways that make my home the most unique, magnetic, and vivid place in the country. 

I began to attend Harvard College in the COVID-19 year, which made my college experience different from other class years because the world either kept us six-feet apart from each other or completely virtual. Still, by way of my love for building community and meeting new people, I was able to connect with Latinas Unidas and Fuerza Latina and, by extension, the Latinx community. I acted as the finance chair for Latinas Unidas for two years and was elected to serve as a senior representative for Fuerza Latina in Spring 2023. I was appointed to serve as co-Chair of Concilio Latino de Harvard in Spring 2022 as a second-semester Sophomore. 

As part of Concilio, I am responsible for overseeing the work that our executive board does to support the Latinx community at Harvard, which comprises over 15 student organizations, and assisting in the planning of community events throughout the year. Ideally, this means that I am in constant communication with different student leaders from these organizations, which makes this role so important in our community. 

Now a second-semester Junior, I chose to focus on my position as co-chair of Concilio Latino de Harvard both as a project for Sociology 1130 and as my own passion project that I hope to build a strong foundation for before I graduate in May 2024.

Having this role has helped change the way I want to approach the rest of my time at Harvard. I am in the midst of planning our annual Senior Dinner-turned-Picnic event happening this May, and planning ahead for the upcoming school year, like our annual Latinx Convocation for the Class of 2027. I hope through this project I am able to reimagine the purpose of Concilio Latino de Harvard in the Latinx community, as it has shown through its role over the course of thirty years that it still has the potential of bringing people together. 

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