The Imperiia Project: a spatial history of the Russian Empire


Project Team

Jackie Erlon-Baurjan, Davit Gasparyan, Olga Kiyan, Kelly O'Neill, Paul Vădan

Primary Source

П. С. Шестериков. Материалы для флоры юго-западной части Одесскаго уезда Херсонской губернии. Одесса: Тип. А. Шульце, 1894.

"Splash" Image

The splash image is a painting called "The Dnipro/Dnieper in the Morning" by Arkhip Kuindzhi (1881). The original painting is at the Tretiakov Gallery in Moscow. The digital image is available in the public domain. 

Cite the Project

Kelly O'Neill, "Odes(s)a in Bloom." Imperiia: A Spatial History of the Russian Empire. [Date accessed] 


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