Working Women of the East: A digital resource for exploring the Soviet Union through the lives of women on its periphery

Explore the Text

Each pamphlet in the Truzhenitsa Vostoka series is roughly fifty pages long and almost uniformly divided into three sections: 1) general demographic information, 2) women's status before the Russian Revolution, and 3) women's status since the revolution.

To support exploration of the text without needing to read the pamphlets cover to cover, this site uses Voyant to provide visualizations of the pamphlets' text. You can explore the text in Russian or English. The Russian text has been lemmatized, a process which reduces all words to their dictionary forms to provide data that works better with word-counting computational methods.

You can also download the pamphlet corpus in (lemmatized) Russian or English and make your own discoveries.

As a reminder, if you would like to read the pamphlets' cover to cover, you can do so here. (Scroll to the bottom of the catalog record, and select the pamphlet you're interested in reading.)

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