The Imperiia Project: a spatial history of the Russian Empire

Puzzles, Quests, and Tasty Snacks

Are you in need of a distraction? Are you working at home and attempting to entertain/educate children at the same time?

To be honest, we think everyone craves a tasty (brain) snack from time to time. That's why we are pulling together a set of puzzles, games, and activities.

We are big believers in the idea that maps can be fun for absolutely anyone.
Some of us are kids. Some of us are kids at heart.
Some of us have kids at our elbows, wrapped around our legs, or breathing down our necks, demanding to know what they can do next to fill the endless school-less days.

There is something here for everyone. We include at least one challenging question or prompt in each resource, but "Wild Things" and "Secrets of the Salt Lake" are meant to entertain younger minds as well. (In fact, we are pretty sure that even if you are a map expert, you will get something out of exploring each of these resources. Go ahead and check them out. We promise not to tell.)

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Questions? Comments? Requests? You can reach us by email at And we are on Twitter @ImperiiaProject.

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