The Imperiia Project: a spatial history of the Russian Empire


You are looking at a fragment of a topographical map of the Crimean peninsula published in 1842 by the Military-Topographical Depot of the Russian Army.

The map was built from the triangulations of Lt. Colonel Oberg and topographical surveys performed by Colonel Betev 1836-1838. The map consists of 8 sheets, each measuring 54x44 centimeters and glued on a fabric base. Its most striking feature is its scale: at 5 versts per inch it offers far more detail than most maps produced in the nineteenth century. This makes it an excellent tool for helping us understand how vineyards (and orchards) fit into the Crimean landscape.

Move your cursor across the map to reveal the annotations. Rest your cursor on the revealed text to improve visibility.
Vineyards were a dominant feature of the coastal region; in fact, they are a fundamental element of the region's spatial culture.

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