The Imperiia Project: a spatial history of the Russian Empire

Guidebook to a Lost Empire

This is a story unfolding - as of September 1, 2020 - on Twitter. To be part of the journey in real time, follow us @ImperiiaProject.


How do I read the full text of an entry?
Click on the title.

What if I don't like navigating timelines?
You can also flip through the entries by using the arrows that appear on the sides of each page.

Why are the entries arranged in this order?
They are arranged according to the post time of each tweet. In other words, the timeline recreates the real time in which the story is being told.

How soon do tweet appear on the timeline?
Some number of hours after posting.

Are the timeline entries exactly the same as the tweets?
Not exactly. In some cases, the timeline entries are a bit longer, or contain hypertext, that you won't find in their corresponding tweets.

Can I find out more about the source for this project?
Absolutely! This project is built around Baedeker's Russia: with Teheran, Port Arthur, and Peking: Handbook for travellers (Leipzig, 1914). For full citation information from the Harvard Library catalog, click here.

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