Students in Service and Leadership at Harvard

Story of The Harvard Crimson

The Harvard Crimson is “the nation's oldest continuously published daily college newspaper, was founded in 1873 and incorporated in 1967” and the only “breakfast-table daily newspaper in Cambridge, Massachusetts”.  The Harvard Crimson consists of ten unique boards, Arts, Flyby Blog, Business, Design, Editorial, Fifteen Minutes Magazine, Multimedia, News, Sports and Technology. Home to famous alumni such as U.S. Presidents Roosevelt ’1904 and Kennedy ’40 as well as Pulitzer Prize winners, The Harvard Crimson offers a unique “school of journalism” at Harvard. 

In light of the novel coronavirus that has swept through the globe, collaboration and communication transitioned to a completely online platform. Because of the shift to an online platform for multimedia, meaning my co-chair and I would have to craft new strategies in order to successfully function. I plan to investigate: How to make the Multimedia team of The Harvard Crimson fully operational in the time of COVID-19? This is an important question all organizations have to consider; however, it is essential that I craft a plan for Multimedia since our work is based in Harvard. Sports games, arts events, profiles, interviews, and other features are seemingly impossible to cover because we are currently remote. It is important for me to answer this question because while Multimedia is a supporting board of written content, it is important to continue to tell stories through photos and videos during this time in order to connect the Harvard community, even from afar.


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