Students in Service and Leadership at Harvard

Community Building on FOP

 There's a chance for every first-year coming in to feel a part of a small community.
            - FOP leader

FOP creates communities. The majority of participants in the program make this clear: in 2019, 88% of the 154 participants who answered a post-trip survey said they felt a sense of community at Harvard, 94% said that FOP made them more prepared for social aspects of Harvard, and 86% said they would turn to a peer from FOP for help or advice. FOP trips are frequently cited as a source of friendships for first-years that often extend beyond that school year. The ways that FOP trips create communities are varied: leaders credited the fact that participants are in a transition period, the removal from distractions and normal life, prolonged contact with others, group challenges, mutual interdependence, and structured group processing activities. The ability to bring people together and create supportive communities is one of the most powerful qualities of FOP.

You teach a set of skills, about how to treat other people and how to exist with other people in a community and create spaces which are safe and affirming.
            - FOP leader




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