Students in Service and Leadership at Harvard

About the Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Offices

Within Harvard College's Dean of Students Office are five offices that represent a branch exclusively devoted to Equity, Diversity, and Inclusivity (EDI). Their mission, in line with the College's goals to "create and sustain an inclusive culture that enables students to thrive," is to "promote learning by helping students gain tools and resources to build an inclusive campus community" through "advocacy, partnership, community building, and support."

The five EDI Offices are:
Each office, with the exception of the Title IX Office, employs 12-14 students on a team of interns. The roles and duties of each intern depends on the goals and needs of the respective office. In total, the EDI Offices employ around 65 students and staff.


Harvard College's EDI Administrative Staff and Student Interns in Fall 2019

You can learn more about the EDI Offices on the Harvard College Dean of Students Office website.

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